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Buy Ampicillin Online

ampicillin antibiotic
Active Ingredient: Ampicillin

Ampicillin is a penicillin-type antibiotic used systemically to treat infections. It produces a broad antibacterial effect, affecting gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial microorganisms.

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Drug manufacturers now offer a wide range of antibiotics, antimicrobials and bacteriostatic drugs. Some of them have a wide range of actions, others fight only with certain microorganisms. Such medicines are forbidden to take on their own, because the effects of therapy can be very different. Today's article will tell you about the tool "Ampicillin". Instructions for use, reviews, analogues and the correct method of use will be presented to your attention.

Immediately stipulate that the information should not encourage you to self-medicate. If you have health problems and need such serious drugs as antibiotics, it is necessary to seek medical help before buying Ampicillin. Only in this case there is a chance for a quick recovery.

Preliminary Information: Form of Issue, Cost and Composition

The active substance of the drug is a compound called ampicillin trihydrate. Analogues of this antibiotic may have the same composition or different components. You will learn about them later in the article. "Ampicillin" is most often available in the form of tablets and powder. The latter is intended for intramuscular or intravenous administration. Pre-solution should be prepared. How to do it correctly – describes in detail the instructions. At least in the market you can find suspension.

The cost of the medicine is affordable. Means "Ampicillin" has long been present in the pharmacological market. You can buy Ampicillin without a prescription. Tablets in the amount of 120 pieces of 250 milligrams will cost you about $33.12. Depending on the manufacturer, the price may slightly move up or down. Buy a bottle of powder for injection. The content of ampicillin in this capacity may vary: 200, 250, 500 and 1000 milligrams.

How does Ampicillin Work?

The drug "Ampicillin" refers to antibacterial semi-synthetic drugs penicillin series. The tool has a wide range of actions, so it is often prescribed to patients without prior sowing for sensitivity. The drug inhibits the synthesis of bacterial cells than has a bactericidal effect.

The active substance is effective against many aerobic microorganisms, both gram-positive and gram-negative. The medicine has a minus. It is not able to suppress the reproduction of bacteria that produce penicillinase. Unfortunately, there are a lot of them now. Often, such microorganisms are formed due to improper use of antibiotics. This once again proves that you can not self-medicate, and you need to contact doctors for help.

Substitutes for Penicillin Series

You can choose the equivalent of "Ampicillin" themselves? All doctors and people with medical education answer this question unanimously: it is impossible. The fact is that some substitutes have a narrow range of actions, they can be ineffective in a certain situation. If you for some reason can not use the prescribed "Ampicillin", analogues of the new generation or obsolete substitutes should be recommended by the doctor.

You already know that the drug belongs to the penicillin group. Therefore, an alternative drug is often selected from it. Recall that the drug "Ampicillin" can be produced by different manufacturers. Therefore modified and its trade name: "Ampicillin trihydrate, Ampicillin sodium salt", "Ampicillin InnoTek".

Replace the tool can be penicillin antibiotics with other active substances. In this case, the analogues of "Ampicillin" will contain the following active component:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Amoxil;
  • Augmentin;

Another Alternative: Popular Antibiotics

Analogues of "Ampicillin" may have other active substances. These are drugs belonging to other groups of antibiotics. Often they are chosen as a substitute when the patient has an allergic reaction. Some medicines are new generation antibiotics.

Indications and Limitations in the Use of Ampicillin

The absolute analogues of "Ampicillin", as well as the penicillin antibiotic itself, are often prescribed for bacterial lesions of the respiratory tract: bronchitis, pneumonia. The drug is used in ENT practice for infections of the nose, throat and ear. It is prescribed for bacterial diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system.

The indication for use Ampicillin is:

  • Ear infections,
  • Bladder infections,
  • Pneumonia,
  • Gonorrhea,
  • E. coli,
  • Salmonella infection meningitis,
  • Sepsis,
  • Skin diseases,
  • Rheumatism.

Before using the antibiotic "Ampicillin", analogues or substitutes of the new generation, it is important to read the instructions. Pay special attention to contraindications and adverse reactions. For example, medicines "Ampicillin" is unacceptable to use with high sensitivity to its components, allergies to other penicillin antibiotics. Contraindications will also be infectious mononucleosis, liver disease and blood. The drug is ineffective against viral pathologies.

Ampicillin: Instructions for Use

Analogues of the drug always have a different method of use. Pay special attention to this. Incorrect use of an antibiotic entails the most unexpected consequences: from the inefficiency of the drug to death. You already know that "Ampicillin" is available in two forms: tablets and injections (you can find a suspension, but it is not so popular). How to use them correctly?

Pills are prescribed in a volume of 1 to 2 grams of active substance per day (divided into 4 doses). Children medication is prescribed according to body weight. It is not recommended to use tablets for the treatment of babies.

In the form of injections, the drug is prescribed to adults at 250-500 mg every 4 or 6 hours (depending on the infection and severity of the condition). For the treatment of children, "Ampicillin" is used in portions from 25 to 50 mg per kilogram of body weight. It is important when setting the injection to observe precautions and rules of asepsis.

The duration of treatment is determined individually, but it should not be less than five days. The maximum daily dose of the drug for an adult is 4 grams in the form of tablets, and in the form of injections – 14.

Treatment During Pregnancy and Lactation

Some analogues of "Ampicillin" are allowed for use during pregnancy, but only for indications. In most cases, these drugs penicillin Rada. Even expectant mothers may be assigned macrolides, but this happens less often. The drug "Ampicillin" is permissible to use during pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor. It is necessary to refrain from taking the antibiotic only in the first trimester. Expectant mothers medicine is prescribed in an individual dosage according to a certain scheme.

It is proved that the active substance - ampicillin trihydrate - is able to penetrate into breast milk. Therefore, there is a possibility of getting the drug into the body of the child. If there is a need for treatment during lactation, it is necessary to decide on the termination of breastfeeding.

Additional Information About the Drug

If you use an analogue of "Ampicillin" in tablets with the original antibiotic, the effect of both drugs can be significantly increased. Therefore, it is important to choose the right therapy. Do not combine "Ampicillin" with a new generation of antibiotics and other similar means that have a bactericidal effect.

Because the drug inhibits intestinal microflora, it can cause digestive dysfunction. Diuretics, sorbents and laxatives reduce the absorption of the antibiotic. Ascorbic acid, on the contrary, increases it. Note that the drug reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

Negative Effects of Therapy

The medication is not related to the antibiotics of the new generation. It does not undergo advanced cleaning. Therefore, the drug can cause a number of negative reactions. Among them the most frequent:

  • Digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting;
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis, diarrhea or constipation;
  • Fungal lesions of the oral cavity, genitals, skin;
  • Allergic reaction in the form of edema, urticaria, shock.

Allergy to Ampicillin

The analogue of "Ampicillin" (in injections or tablets - it is not important) from the group of penicillin series, as well as the drug itself, often provokes allergies. At the same time, it can have a variety of manifestations. If you have ever had such a reaction, you need to remember. In the future, when prescribing antibacterial drugs, be sure to report this fact to the doctor.

The most common Allergy to "Ampicillin" is manifested by skin rash. Small ulcers can be located throughout the body or in separate zones. The tool also causes joint pain and tightness of the skin. Less often there is swelling. If you have an Allergy, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, do not take the next dose of medication. Further therapy involves the use of sorbents and antihistamines. It is also necessary to choose an analogue of the antibiotic.

Ampicillin and Alcohol

What else tells about the drug "Ampicillin" instruction? Analogues of penicillin series, as well as the described antibiotic abstract does not recommend combining with alcoholic beverages. Such combinations increase the likelihood of side effects. In addition, ethanol in combination with "Ampicillin" adversely affects the liver and stomach. The combination of chemicals can simply deactivate the effect of the drug.

Despite this fact, some consumers manage to miss a couple of drinks during treatment. Patients say that nothing terrible happened to them. In fact, it's just luck. Perhaps the consequences will manifest themselves in the future.

Reviews about Antibiotic

What are the opinions of patients about this tool? In most cases, the drug is effective. It allows you to quickly get rid of the problem. Already on the second day of taking the antibiotic there is a noticeable improvement. At the same time, there are negative sides to the drug. Therapy with this tool is long, while there is a negative impact on other organs. Almost all patients say that the use of tablets "Ampicillin" there is a violation of digestive function. For its further recovery requires a course of probiotics. This is not cheap, despite the affordable cost of the "Ampicillin".

In recent years, doctors try not to prescribe the described medicine. He was replaced by a new and improved medicines. Antibiotics of the new generation are more thoroughly cleaned. Due to this, they are less likely to cause side effects, do not have a toxic effect on the patient's body. Some drugs are composed of a combination of substances that enhance their effect, for example, "Amoxil" or "Augmentin".

Sum Up

From the article you learned about the long-invented and outdated antimicrobial drug called "Ampicillin". Reviews, analogues of this drug and how to use it - all this we talked in detail. Despite the fact that you now know a lot about the drug, do not self-medicate. Remember that antibiotics are completely useless (and even harmful) in viral infections. Most colds are caused by viruses. I wish you good health!