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Probiotics after Antibiotics

Probiotics are live organisms that contribute to the restoration of the microbial balance in the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, the composition of these drugs include Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, or Saccharomyces.

In recent decades, it received plenty of evidence of the effectiveness of probiotics in antibiotic-associated diarrhea, including those related to the growth of clostridia. Thus, a large meta-analysis was carried out in 2002, consists of 9 studies. The experiment involved patients receiving antibiotics in combination with probiotics, and the volunteers who took the antibiotic and placebo, that is a pacifier. Results of the study confirmed the high efficacy of probiotics compared with placebo.

However, there are other, less impressive data.

Probiotics: Another Look at the Effectiveness of

British scientists conducted a major study examined the effect of probiotics on antibiotic background. Experiment fully meet all the requirements of evidence-based medicine: he was a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled

The experimental result is somewhat surprised the medical world: the largest to date, the test does not recognize the effectiveness of probiotics for the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

Who would believe us, ordinary patients: advocates or opponents of probiotics? And how to deal with the consequences of intestinal antibiotic?

Let's look in the direction of domestic medicine. The majority of Russian doctors sympathetic to probiotics and always include them in the treatment regimen, along with antibacterial agents. Many experts believe that probiotics have a right to life, even without evidence of effectiveness based on a high safety profile, low cost of treatment and their own positive experiences.

Terms Receiving Probiotics

We must not forget that the probiotics - are special, "real" drugs. Bacteria contained in these preparations must pass through the barriers of the gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach hydrochloride treatment. And not just reach the intestines, and thus maintain viability.

To probiotics have a real effect, you need to follow a few rules of use:

  • Can not drink hot drinks probiotics. The temperature at which the vital functions of bacteria maintained shall not exceed 45 degrees. At higher rates microorganisms perish together;
  • The majority of probiotics is not recommended to be taken with alcoholic beverages;
  • Bacterial preparations is best taken in conjunction with antibiotics. If you decide to rebuild the already altered microflora, say, a week after the antibiotic treatment, probiotics may not be as effective as we would like;
  • Duration of probiotics is determined individually. If you start taking these agents simultaneously with antibiotics and complications has left you out, you can restrict a 5-10-day course (during the period of antibiotic therapy). Patients who still experienced the delights of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, need to be more intensive and long-term treatment. In such cases, the therapy can be from 10 days to several weeks and even months.

Safety of Probiotics

Probiotics are non-prescription drugs. The safety profile of these drugs is so high that they are approved for use in children, including infants and pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, it is probiotics are first-line drugs for the restoration of intestinal microflora after antibiotic therapy.

Side effects are minimal and probiotics are generally associated with minor disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. These include bloating, constipation, bloating. Medicines containing S.boulardii (Enterol), forbidden to accept patients suffering from allergic reactions to yeast.

Probiotics - the Children Especially Dosage

Many probiotics have a special children's formulation. For example, one of the most popular drugs, Linex, comes in the form of capsules of one dosage. How to give such drugs to young children? For infants, usually prescribed a half dose.

To measure it, you must open a gelatin capsule, pour the contents onto a clean surface and a divided powder into two approximately equal parts. Thereafter the nursery one dose of medication was dissolved in water (juice, tea) and room temperature gives the child.

We draw attention to the fact that the dissolved drug can not be stored: in a solution of bacteria die quickly.