
Why can not drink on the background of antibiotic treatment
When you can eat strong drinks after treatment
With what preparations alcohol should not be mixed
Consequences of mixing drugs and alcohol

Antibiotics and alcohol are absolutely incompatible components, therefore during treatment it is necessary to refuse any alcohol. So doctors tell us, who prescribe antibacterial drugs for the treatment of diseases. Nevertheless, there is a lot of content on the web that the incompatibility is rather a myth invented for shy patients. We will understand, whether it is possible to drink alcohol at reception of antibiotics, and how to act or arrive in this case.


Antibacterial drugs are prescribed by a doctor in order to kill pathogenic microorganisms that the human immune system can not cope with. A person undergoing treatment has serious health problems, which means that he must not aggravate his condition a priori. This means that in any treatment, drinking alcohol until complete recovery is not recommended, otherwise it can provoke negative consequences for the patient. Why can not I drink alcohol with antibiotics?

Antibiotics with alcohol are particularly undesirable for several reasons:

  • When using alcoholic beverages during therapy with antibacterial drugs, the productivity of medicines decreases every day;
  • The use of strong drinks on the background of treatment with antibacterial drugs can exacerbate chronic diseases and provoke allergic reactions, especially if the patient is predisposed to allergies. If you drank alcohol earlier and it did not cause violations, this does not mean that problems will not arise against the background of antibiotic treatment;
  • With the simultaneous receipt of two heavy chemical compounds for the body, a tremendous detoxification load is placed on the liver, with which the body can not cope. The consequences of this interaction may be unexpected, especially if the patient has liver pathologies.

Drinking with drugs is a huge risk, chemists believe. No doctor can accurately know what substance the alcohol will turn into if you drink alcohol while taking antibiotics, because many factors influence this process. That is why the instructions to the drugs describe whether it is possible to use this drug with alcohol, and caution says: antibiotics can not be combined with alcoholic beverages. It is not necessary to think: I will drink only one glass and nothing will be – even a small amount of alcohol reacts with medicinal substances and can provoke complications.


Doctors in the appointment of antibiotics limit the use of alcohol at the time of treatment. The patient needs to know when it is possible to drink alcohol after prescribing antibiotics, since the latter drenching the tablet does not mean that the drug will be removed from the body within 24 hours. Some medications have a tendency to accumulate, so their effect will continue for some time after the end of the actual treatment. Typically, patients do not delve into these details, but after completion of treatment, the doctor warns about when you can drink alcohol after taking antibiotics. Several factors influence this:

  • Duration of antibiotic therapy;
  • Features of the course of the disease;
  • Presence of complications and concomitant diseases in the patient;
  • Tolerability of antibiotic therapy;
  • The ability of the preparation to accumulate;
  • Term for the removal of the drug from the body.

Typically, doctors note that after antibiotics you can drink alcohol after a week – this is the most common time to remove drugs, through how many can not be found in the blood of their tracks. This means that they will no longer interact with ethanol. Given that the standard course of antibacterial therapy is ten days, then taking into account the drug remediation week, patients should not drink alcohol for at least seventeen days. With an increase in the period of taking medicines, alcohol consumption is postponed for this period, unless there are special instructions from the doctor. Otherwise, the consequences of early drinking can be unpredictable.


The ideal treatment option is refusal to drink alcohol during the entire therapy. But in a number of cases the patient violates this recommendation and still drinks alcohol on the background of treatment. Long-term observations of patients using strong drinks, as well as a number of medical studies have made it possible to determine the compatibility of alcohol and antibiotics. The drugs were divided into two large subgroups:

  • those with whom you can not drink alcohol during treatment;
  • those drugs with which you can combine and strong drinks.

In this case, it is worth considering that such a “permission” to mix antibiotics and alcohol is very conditional, because none of the doctors does not know what kind of reaction is possible for a patient to drink a particular alcoholic beverage. The principle of separation is based not only on the theoretical basis, but also on practical experience based on the study of a large number of people who took drinks with a degree in treatment.

How to behave in this situation, a specific organism – no one knows, so even in this case, the full responsibility for their health falls on the patient, and no doctor will say that when treating you can take alcohol.
If the deterioration in health does not occur, the effect of treatment can easily decrease.

The compatibility table identifies the following drugs with which it is forbidden to take alcohol and antibiotics in any form and quantity:

  • Group of tetracyclines – doxycycline, oletetrin, chlortetracycline, tetracycline;
  • Levomycetins – Levomycetin, Chloramphenicol;
  • Lincosamides – Lincomycin, Clindamycin, Neloren, Dalacin;
  • Aminoglycosides – Neomycin, Monomycin, Tobramycin, Amikacin;
  • Cephalosporins – Cefazolin, Cefepime, Cefuroxime, Cefoperazone, Cefalexin;
  • Macrolides – Azithromycin, Ezithromycin, Hemomycin, Clarithromycin;
  • Drugs prescribed against tuberculosis – Etambutol, Isoniazid, Streptomycin, Rifampicin, Cycloserin.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to drink alcohol when you take this antibiotic is definitely negative. It is much more correct to refrain from alcohol and find out, after how many days you can drink drinks with a degree. As for other drugs that are not included in the list, it does not mean that alcohol is allowed against them in any doses. There is a so-called concept of therapeutic dose, i.e. safe amount of alcohol. If you drink no more than 50 grams of alcohol a day, it does not bring negative consequences for the body. Through what time it is possible to drink more – the doctor will prompt.


The use of fortified beverages can cause undesirable consequences for the body of the treating person. This is due primarily to the fact that some drugs can block the degradation of the ethanol used. For example, the well-known drug Metronidazole has this property. As a result of its effects, acetaldehyde, instead of being excreted from the body, will accumulate in tissues and organs and exert a destructive effect on them. As a result of this combination of tablets and hot drinks, the body will carry an additional toxic load, to cope with which hepatocytes (liver cells) are much heavier. After alcohol and antibiotics, you can not quickly restore the liver, since the toxic load doubles.

Inability to remove toxins from the body is accompanied by signs of intoxication, much more painful than hangover syndrome.

Manifestations of intoxication, if you drink antibiotics and strong drinks together, will not keep you waiting. After a few hours, the patient may experience sudden attacks of nausea, vomiting, a severe headache like a migraine, soreness behind the sternum, shortness of breath. Alcohol and antibiotics provoke reddish spots on the skin, indicating a violation of blood microcirculation. Patients are cold sweat, there is a fluctuation in blood pressure. In especially severe cases, a disulfiramoid-like reaction can occur-a severe reaction of the body to the intake of alcohol, capable of leading to serious consequences in the face of severe damage to the body. That’s why you can not consume alcohol and medications together.

Given these symptoms, we note that it is absolutely impossible to combine alcohol with antibacterial drugs for people who suffer from hypertension – any amount of alcohol consumed can trigger a hypertensive crisis. Also, we should note that the method of introducing the drug into the body does not play a role – complications from the received alcohol can appear also with preparations in the form of injections, tablet forms, suppositories or eye drops.

Knowing the negative consequences of a tandem of drugs and alcohol, doctors explain to each patient why antibiotics are incompatible with hot drinks. Modern medical knowledge is moving more and more towards the treatment of diseases, but towards the spread of methods of disease prevention. Therefore, in this case, the prevention of complications in the treatment of antibacterial agents is the patient’s area of ​​responsibility. It is the patient, who undergoes antibiotic therapy, should first of all be interested in his recovery. A high level of responsibility for one’s health and awareness of why medicines and alcohol can not be combined should become a philosophy for the treatment of a patient of the 21st century.

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