It is not advisable to use sulfonamide preparations for children of the first year of life because of the potential toxic effects on the body of an infant, the threat of kidney damage. During the treatment with sulfonamides, prevention (prevention) of renal complications is necessary, which is achieved by prescribing a plentiful drink to a sick child, which includes alkaline solutions (preferably in the form of borjomi-type mineral water). It is recommended to drink 1 cup of water or 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of 1% sodium bicarbonate solution (drinking soda) or 1/2 cup of borjomi for 1/2 g of the sulfonamide preparation. It is very rational to take all sulfonamide preparations in 30 minutes. before the meal. Sulfonamide preparations, especially bactrim, are contraindicated in pregnant women due to the threat of pathology of intrauterine development of the fetus. They are also not recommended for nursing women, as sulfonamides penetrate well into the milk and can cause toxic disorders in the child. Sulfonamide preparations are not allowed to be prescribed to children who have had allergic reactions (skin rashes, etc.) during their previous use.It is advisable to refrain from prescribing sulfonamide preparations to children with congenital heart defects. Sulfonamide preparations include:

“bactrim, syn.: cotrimoxazole, biseptol, septrin, oribact, oriprim;

“norsulfazole, syn.: sulfatiazole, norsulfazole-sodium, amidothiazole;

“salazopyridazine, syn.: salazodine;

“streptocida liniment;







Despite the fact that some antibiotics do have side effects, there are drugs whose administration in parallel with antibiotics as a “cover” can significantly reduce the risk of developing complications such as allergies (suprastin, tavegil) or dysbacteriosis (bifikol, acylact). Dependence on antibiotics is never formed. You can’t do without antibiotics when it comes to the life and death of the patient. They are still the main drugs in the treatment of sepsis, intoxication, and tuberculosis. So far, there are no other drugs that are equal to them in strength, able to cope with such infections so quickly and effectively. There are a number of chronic diseases that reduce the vital signs, but they can only be treated with antibiotics. These diseases include mycoplasma infection of the lungs, yersiniosis, chlamydia, and several urogenital diseases. Naturally, the doctor, prescribing a particular medicine, is obliged to know and tell the patient about the indications and side effects caused by the action of the drug. If once an antibiotic has helped, can it be successfully used later in other diseases? The causative agents of even extremely similar diseases in the clinical picture can be different. A variety of microorganisms have dissimilar sensitivity (resistance) to different antibiotics. For example, if a person used penicillin to treat staphylococcal pneumonia, and it had a favorable effect on the course of the disease, this does not mean that this antibiotic can treat a cough that appeared later, since the cough can be a consequence of the appearance of mycoplasma in the body, which is not sensitive to penicillin-type drugs. In this case, penicillin will not help. In addition, an antibiotic that has worked once may no longer work on the same person with the same disease, as the microorganisms adapt to the antibiotic quite quickly. The question arises: “Can I prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy myself?» The prescription of antibiotics should be taken extremely seriously, any amateur activity is inappropriate here. In order to choose a drug that will have the maximum effectiveness, you need the participation of a doctor. Self-treatment with antibiotics is fraught with ineffectiveness of therapy due to the wrong drug, the development of side effects and toxic effects due to the wrong dosage and lack of adequate “cover”, the development of resistance of microorganisms to the antibiotic due to untimely withdrawal of the drug. The exact choice of the drug helps to detect the microbe and study its sensitivity to antibiotics, but this is not always possible. Even if you are familiar with the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics, you need to choose a drug that will reach the location of the microbe in the body. Antimicrobial drugs that are not related to antibiotics cause fewer undesirable effects. In some cases, self-treatment with sulfonamides, such as biseptol (bactrim, septrin), sulfalen, sulfadimesin, or other antibacterial drugs, can lead to allergic reactions or dysbiosis even more often than with antibiotic treatment. In addition, many synthetic drugs have a toxic effect on the liver and kidneys, microorganisms quickly develop resistance to sulfonamides, they are much less effective than modern ones antibiotics. Therefore, antibacterial therapy, including the appointment of antibiotics, should be treated like any other treatment: do not be afraid, but use only under medical supervision, taking into account indications and contraindications. There are no bad medicines, and there are cases when incompetent doctors prescribe them out of place. However, self-medication also causes great harm. If a person needs antibiotic therapy, it is best to contact specialists with professional knowledge about antibiotics. In order to reduce the harmful effects of taking antibacterial drugs, it is recommended to use kefir, milk yoghurts, acidophilic products.

Sulfonamide preparations, especially bactrim, are contraindicated in pregnant women due to the threat of pathology of intrauterine development of the fetus. They are also not recommended for nursing women, as sulfonamides penetrate well into the milk and can cause toxic disorders in the child.

The stomach that has suffered from antibiotics should be spared – it is not necessary to eat fatty, spicy and smoked food for some time. To protect the kidneys, you need to drink cranberry or cranberry juice. Beets, broccoli, and leafy greens are great for restoring the liver.

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