Penicillin should not be considered the only merit of A. Fleming; back in 1922, he made his first important discovery-isolated from human tissues a substance that has the ability to actively dissolve some types of microbes. The discovery was made almost by accident when trying to isolate bacteria-causative agents of the common cold. Professor A.…

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Viruses and bacteria among which we live

International expert on healthy nutrition Dr. Duke Johnson recently published a shocking conclusion: he was able to prove that the growth of chronic diseases is directly related to the industrial production of products! Scientists are sounding the alarm: food has begun to kill us! The Swiss specialists went the furthest. They examined the bodies of…

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Plank: Exercise for Health or Path to Stroke?

“Let enjoys a slight movement of the hands, body and legs, let the movement “aimless” will be a creative joy. Let appreciate, will love movement as such. He will understand that movements, like letters, like people, are different and have a special character, and strength, and softness, thoughtfulness, effectiveness, can Express sympathy and antipathy —…

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In Pursuit of Health

Incredibly, many diseases we often invent themselves, for fun or boredom! And we could spend hours Queuing up at the clinic, indulging our sores, but it would not only be a waste of time, but a threat to health. It will be much better if you give some of this lost time to training, and…

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Osteoporosis? Taking calcium is useless!

In the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, connective tissues in the ligaments, tendons and cartilage play a very important role. But the data of the connective tissue (e.g. ligaments and tendons) not only perform the mechanical functions of movement, protection and support of forms of bodies, but also involved in maintaining homeostasis (the ability of…

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Edit Atlanta: is it worth the risk?

Edit Atlanta – it is difficult to explain the manipulation of the two upper vertebrae of the cervical spine, which has become fashionable in recent years: chiropractors willingly explain the need for such manipulation in chronic headaches, dizziness, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and some other ailments. For a more convincing argument of this appointment, experts…

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Joints and Articular Fluid

In this case, we will focus on the treatment of knee and hip joints. In recent years, in the treatment of these joints, the method of intra-articular injections of various liquids and gels (so-called liquid implants), which, according to the authors of such inventions, should contribute to the restoration of destroyed cartilage, has become widespread.…

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